Wednesday, September 25


     I want to let you all know about someone very near and dear to my heart. It's my sister, Camille. Anyone who has ever met her can only say the best things about her character, her morals, her friendship, her hopes and dreams.
     She is the second born in our family and my first best friend. We've had our ups and downs. I used to years. We would always read the same books and go on and on about all the characters that we felt we personally knew and could rejoice with and cry over. Camille, Josie, and I shared a room for as long as I can remember and we had the best pillow talks filled with impersonations, stories, songs, fake snores, secrets, laughs, and more than a few fights.
steal her pennies and there was this one baby doll that we could never remember from where it came or to which one of us it originally belonged so we fought over that doll for
     Camille always was (and still is) there to keep the peace, give you her honest opinion, point out the best in a person or situation. She's a good laugh when you're desperate and a comforting shoulder to cry on. And you know without a doubt that she genuinely cares for you.
     Recently she's been working with a non-profit organization called In the Gap, Inc. They have a great video on their homepage that gives a great perspective on the work their intern/leadership teams are doing everyday. (Note: Camille is the first person you see teaching and using a stack of boxes for an illustration) Camille and I have both worked for this organization, but she stayed on even after I left and has just now begun her fourth year working for ITG. She completed all four levels of internship training and is now a full time staff member, living at ITG headquarters.
     She sent out a ministry letter that I would like to share with you all. So, without further ado, here's Camille...

Hello All,
     I apologize for taking so long to write a ministry report. The summer has flown by. In June I was able to help with a VBS at my church in Texas where my family is living. It was so exciting to be able to work with 25 5th-6th graders and make an impact on them. One little boy that God placed on my team was Joshua, who has autism. God showed me how important it is to treat each person special, no matter if they have a "defect" or not. Some of the teachers had a hard time connecting with Joshua, but Jesus gave me such a love and a compassion for him. Although it was hard for him to interact, and he liked to get into things he wasn't supposed to, I was able to spend some time with him and help him learn some of the songs and Bible verses. I'm so glad that God brought Joshua to my team and allowed me to have a small part in his life, and for Joshua to teach me how unconditional God's love is for us.
     Now I am back in Oklahoma and God has been doing some amazing things!! I'm sure he is going to be doing some mighty works this upcoming semester! For our fall session God has brought thirty interns to come and serve with us here in Oklahoma. I am so excited about getting back into the schools and impacting the lives of the next generation!
     An update on my monthly support. I want to thank each one of you for giving; whether it was one-time or monthly, God has used it to bless me. Thank you all for your prayers as well, I appreciate them. My current monthly support is $162. I am trying to reach $1200 per month. If you would like to become part of my support team please fill out the form included in the letter. Thank you so much for your generosity and willingness to serve the Lord!
     On a different note, one amazing opportunity that God has given me is to go on a missions trip to Haiti in October! We will be in Haiti from October 8th-15th. We will be conducting teacher training for over 150 teachers. There are three Christian schools that teach over 1,600 children. These schools are rated 2nd in the north side of the island. The long term potential is great because many of the children will hold key positions and leadership jobs in the future. But Biblical character teaching is so critical since there is a great disconnect over how Christianity relates to every day life. If God can catch a hold od these children's hearts and lives, it could impact their country and their world! I am very excited about this opportunity and would like for you to join me in prayer about it. For my Haiti mission trip I will be needing about $800-$1,000 for airfare. If you feel led to give a donation I would be greatly blessed by it. I know that the Lord will provide the money I need to go on this trip, and I pray that He will bless all of the provisions that come in.
     A few prayer requests:
           -Money for the Haiti missions trip
          -God would unify our mission trip team, and give us wisdom
          -Health for me on the trip
          -Safety as the interns arrive in OKC next week

     May God richly bless you!
Serving Him,

      So there she is folks! My sweet sister, Camille. :) If any of you do feel led to give and help her out financially, save the photo below to your computer and print out a copy to send with a check. Or you can give securely online at, click on the Donate Today button on the right hand side of the homepage, then scroll down and choose "Camille" in the designation box.

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