Friday, October 26

A Bloom to My Gloom

This past week has been, well... interesting. It all started with a pain in my cheek that felt like an earache or like I had slept wrong. The slight pain continued on for a bit but continued to get worse until finally I woke one morning with the right side of my face and neck swollen to three times their normal size! So one slightly hysterical freaking out spell, two eccentric trying not to cry phone calls, and 3 fat as a chipmunk pictures later my official diagnosis was The MUMPS. That's right! Even with the vaccine, I managed to attain a case of the Mumps! (My grammy said, "You know you have the mumps when you can't pronounce the word mumps correctly." Haha that was me!)
So needless to say I was very irritable. And when I'm irritable I get grumpy, and when I'm grumpy I get unreasonable and when I'm unreasonable my poor husband suffers. I was so busy gabbing on about the chicken noodle soup and lemonade that I didn't get that I forgot to thank him for the movies he brought back for me. I forgot to notice all the sweet kisses cause I was whining about not being able to lay down without my face hurting.
I don't have many friends in this new city just yet and so I don't get many opportunities to brag on my dear Jon but I would like to share some of  my favorite things about him! I came up with this list the other day cause I was tired of being grumpy and upset and I just needed a way to help my glooms bloom. :) So here we go!

10 - Compliments me and tells me I'm pretty (even in pajamas with no make-up!)
9 - Listens and comments but doesn't interrupt
8 - Is fun and funny (we are always laughing!)
7 - Dances in the kitchen with me
6 - He's honest and open
5 - Asks for my opinions and cares about my feelings
4 - Strong. :) He can open any jar and I know I can count on him when I need a shoulder to lean on
3 - Smothers me with hugs and kisses!
2 - Super unselfish. He'll wake up to go out in the snow to get something from the car that I need. And he always likes it to be my choice for dinner, a movie, etc.
1 - Leads me in a godly way because I always see Jesus in him.